The idea of the present training was born from the past years experience of hosting EVS volunteers by partners involved and understanding their roles and influences to local youth participation.
The 7-days advanced training course for EVS mentors “Dare to be creative” that will take place in Russia from 21-28 of April 2013. We see youth participation as a driving force leading to democratic and inclusive society where EVS volunteers and EVS mentors play an important role by bringing and sharing diverse experiences and moderating change transformation among local young people. In this sense EVS mentors are local bodies who supposed to know the local community needs and who in case if needed is able to facilitate the work of EVS Volunteer and local youth. In order to be able to do that EVS mentor should be trained and should be aware about youth issues and youth involvement in the local community. However majority of EVS volunteers by this or that mean work with local young people and very often “help them” by supporting some leisure activities or doing something else, why then we don’t look at this process more strategically and don’t try to bring youth encouragement and youth involvement into the process of youth work of EVS volunteer and EVS mentor?
With this training we aim to support this process and to strengthen youth participation of young people from rural areas and disadvantage background through EVS projects by encouraging EVS mentors and providing them with a set of techniques to support EVS volunteer’s learning process, integration to the local community and mediation youth work if needed.
• To understand the diversity of local context; expectations of the host organization and EVS volunteer;
• To train the ability to see the development of EVS volunteer in perspective and to show him possible input to local community
• To discuss the Roles and tasks of EVS mentors in different countries and contexts
• To share about youth participation realities and to brainstorm on the role of EVS volunteer and mentor in social change and in supporting young people from rural areas and from disadvantage background
• To develop mentor’s competencies needed to provide learning support to EVS volunteers;
• To deepen understating of the key competencies and Youthpass process;
• To understand what is learning process and how to reflect on personal learning
• To identify potentials and dangers in EVS mentoring process;
• To share possible tools and methods for EVS mentoring;
• To find out creative approaches to mentoring
• To discuss the motivation aspects: what motivates us as mentors and how we can encourage volunteer
• To reflect on mentoring styles and approaches
To discuss different levels of support for volunteers (before. during and after the project)
• To reflect on Intercultural competencies
The main stress will be done to develop personal creative approach which mentors can and should use in their work that will allow mentors not only to act according to written documents and concepts, but to investigate their own ways to work taking into consideration local circumstances, project realities and volunteers’ personalities. Participants will be also provided with skills and instruments to pass gained knowledge and skills as well as their experiences to other present mentors or new generation of mentors in their regions/countries.
The training will be for 25 participants from 14 countries of European Union and EECA.
Here you can find more information about the project:
Here you can find more information about objectives:
Here you can find more information about our partners:
Here you can find more information about materials from the training course:
Training plan:
Further materials and projects:
European Guidelinesfor Mentoring Programmes: A Guideline for Setting up and Running Mentoring Programmes with a Special Focus on Mentoring for Girls and Young Women:
Guidebook for Mentoring Young Women in Europe:
WE:MENTOR : The project WE:MENTOR brought together experienced programme co-ordinators and less experienced co-ordinators of mentoring programmes (particularly focused on women) together in order to share knowledge and best practice in order to increase the potential quality of programmes provided for both mentors and mentees. Main aim was to encourage participants to combine their new knowledge of these methods and ideas for future activities and implement them in new lifelong learning projects.
More information on: and also here